Dear Lit Loves,
I see from recent subject matter on my local television station that Tom Tomlinson, Senior Director of North Carolina's Department of Public Instruction's Office of Educator Preparation and Licensure, wants to know why we have first year teachers in NC leaving in droves. Ten thousand teachers left the classrooms of North Carolina in 2023. This is the highest amount in two decades and it runs across every subject matter. And you want to know why they are leaving? Get in the trenches with them and discover why. For that matter, read my book, Brave Soul Rising: Tales From The Trenches of An Uncharmed Life written under my pen name, Grace Sutherlin. In case that does not help in understanding why teachers are leaving, I will go ahead and list why this North Carolina educator gave up on teaching publicly and privately in the state of North Carolina:
1) Teacher Pay Is A Joke.
2) Lack of basic school security measures.
3) Overwhelming extra demands on my time.
4) Teacher Morale Is Low.
5) Honestly, who wants to risk getting shot while on the job?
6) Principals who cannot address delinquent student behavior for two weeks.
7) Having to eat lunch with a room full of students.
8) Number of credits needed for continued teacher licensure.
9) No Bonus Money If Your Students Perform At A High Level On Tests.
10) Lack of instructional materials for every student and teacher supplies.
11) School buildings falling apart and potentially exposing staff to harmful substances.
12) Lack of cleanliness inside and around the school.
13) Gangs entering school buildings and cafeterias illegally.
14) Serious lack of mentorship: the only time I interacted with my teaching mentor came when I was being evaluated on my instructional methods.
15) My car getting keyed while parked on a school campus.
16) Students not getting to school due to transportation issues.
17) Apathetic parents and guardians.
18) Principals who forget what it is like to be in the classroom.
19) I can start in another career choice at a salary in the range of six figures.
20) Lack of respect.
21) Having to request someone to cover my classes in order to visit the restroom.
Is this enough for you Mr. Tomlinson? Oh, if you think virtual instruction is the answer to the NC teacher retention problem, I also have swamp land you can buy down in Florida, ya hear?!
Amy R. Schmukler also known as Grace Sutherlin (pen name).
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