Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Dear Julia Roberts, (Yes, I Am Speaking Of The Actress)

Dear Mrs. Julia  Roberts (Moder),

Greetings!  I was not sure which last name you prefer unknown strangers to use when they speak with you so I just included both "Roberts" and  "Moder" so as not to step on anyone's toes.  We southern gals are generally known for minding our manners and exhibiting respect.

I just wanted to let you know that there is no shame in not being nominated for an Emmy; however, I truly thought that you should have been nominated for your role in "Homecoming".  I found the whole series riveting.  Of course, I have to admit that as a Southern Feminist I have been a fan of yours for years.  Seriously, I knew you were the "real deal" when I watched the movie titled "Erin Brockovich".  Oh law, talk about taking no prisoners!  And when you won the Oscar for the movie, I was watching thinking, "Well, I'll never know fame such as Julia's as a small town southern gal so I'll just live the dream vicariously through Julia Roberts."  I never had aspirations to be an actress and I probably should have never developed aspirations to attempt becoming a traditionally published author from the south.  By training, I am a Middle School Educator.  I could not continue that line of work as I developed Uveitic Glaucoma, Meniere's Disease, and now an autoimmune disorder that causes my own immune system to attack my bodily organs.  So I thought I would try my luck at writing and publishing.

I tried to secure a literary agent for ten years while writing four full manuscripts and accompanying book proposals.  In my case, the rejection letters from literary agents were and are brutal.  I actually received one rejection written on the back of a business card.  And when you write in the memoir genre as I do, God Help You If You Are Not A Famous Person, A Notable Physician, A Woman Frequently Seen On Morning Television, A Woman Who Has "Leaned In", or A Person Who Has Achieved Notoriety Through A McDaddy Number Of Social Media Followers.  And then of course, there is the notation by literary agents of voice in my writing which can be described as straight-shooting, no-holds-barred southern which literary agents tend to abhor-  you would think I had committed a felony for heaven's sake and needed to be sent directly to Litchfield Prison on "Orange Is The New Black!!"

You handled the Emmy snub well by noting via Instagram that you were in good company along with George Clooney and Emma Stone who did not receive Emmy nominations for their work in television either.   And as for me and my quest to become traditionally published?  I most likely have a snowball's chance in hell of it actually happening though I have led an unusual life and make candid observations about the world in which we live today.  The good news is that I don't think you will ever have to throw in the towel when it comes to your profession, Mrs. Roberts Moder.  I can't imagine you ever having to endure that reality.  As for me, I probably will endure the reality of throwing in the towel on my traditional publishing dreams along with potentially losing my sight, hearing, and having to ingest chemo medications for the rest of my life just to keep my immune system from attacking my bodily organs.  I'll always continue to live my aspirations for success through you Mrs. Roberts Moder because you give a woman like me something others cannot:  It's called HOPE.

All Best,

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