Lit Loves,
I don't usually bring politics into my blog posting, but the behavior I am seeing exhibited recently by this country's representatives disturbs me to my core as a woman. Brett Kavanaugh, candidate for the Supreme Court, obviously has a problem maintaining a cool composure when under fire for sexual assault allegations. And I think he has a serious alcohol problem based on news coverage of people who went to Yale with him. If that is the case then he has already lied under oath to a congressional committee and that should disqualify him as a potential Supreme Court Justice right there This, to me, means he cannot rule evenly, fairly, or even in a contemplative manner as a potential Supreme Court Justice. He does not deserve to sit on the same court with Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Orrin Hatch, senator from Utah, just told women protesting the Kavanaugh nomination to "Grow Up". Excuse me? No, you go get a clue Mr. Hatch. Last time I checked we all have a right to free speech and if we do not like your stance on Kavanaugh we have a constitutional right to TELL YOU. So, "Go Read The Damn Constitution Mr. Hatch".
And then there's preachy Lindsey Graham, senator from South Carolina, who following the Dr. Ford testimony emphatically insists to the press that "She (Dr. Ford) needs help". No, Mr. Graham, unlike you she came forward in a composed, civil, and respectful manner to tell you and other committee members about character traits and behavior displayed by Brett Kavanaugh that she felt the judicial committee needed to know before you make a decision on Brett Kavanaugh becoming a Supreme Court Justice. And she deserved a full and thorough FBI investigation in which agents spoke with her and others who have knowledge of Mr. Kavanaugh's character and behavior. Sadly, Dr. Ford and many others were never interviewed by the FBI. The only sham here is the rushed FBI investigation and senators who say they represent women's rights and the rights of female sexual assault survivors, but who evidently do not based on the vote they make about the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court Justice. It is my recommendation that females hold their state and national representatives accountable for how they vote on critically important appointments such as a Supreme Court Justice.
Lit Loves, here are the key votes to watch for in this Supreme Court nomination vote:
Susan Collins, senator from Maine
Jeff Flake, senator from Arizona
Lisa Murkowski, senator from Alaska
Heidi Heitkemp, senator from North Dakota
Joe Manchin, senator from West Virginia
If senators vote to confirm Kavanaugh then you can bet your bottom dollar women and their rights, equality, and value will never receive proper representation by the majority of our justices on the highest court in our country. In that event, you will know what to do at the polls on November 6th, 2018. I know I will be sending my local, state, and national representatives a message about the value of women on November 6th, 2018: "Hell No, I Am Not Gonna Take Your Dismissive Attitudes Or Behavior Toward Women In This Country!"
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