Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Out With NC House Bill 2 And Out With Gov. Pat McCrory

Dear Lit Loves,

Well folks, this is not going to be a post about the latest memoir book release.  This is about NC House Bill 2 which NC Governor Pat McCrory and our lawmakers pushed through the legislative branches of our government in a single day.  It's a ludicrous bill and it discriminates against the LGBT community.  It basically says that a transgender person must utilize the restroom of the gender on their birth certificate, not the gender with which they identify.  And supposedly, this law is for the safety of children. I don't have children, but I would be more worried about protecting them from pedophiles which most law enforcement profilers describe as generally middle to upper class white males.  Folks, this mess of legislation is against the law.  It promotes and sanctions discrimination.  Last time I checked, that's illegal.

Recently, on my local NC evening news television station I saw one set of people protesting peacefully against the HB2 law in downtown Raleigh and then I saw what appeared to be evangelical, conservative so-called "christians" standing at a podium yelling their endorsement of this HB2 bill.  How hypocritical!  And worse, I next saw a person who was part of the group endorsing the law walk over and get in the face of the folks peacefully protesting against the law.  See who exactly was the aggressor in this situation?  Let's apply the christian motto of "What Would Jesus Do?" right here, right now.  I don't think Jesus or at least the one I came to know as a Methodist would endorse this law and I know he would not have been trying to pick a fight with a person peacefully protesting against the law in downtown Raleigh, NC. 

This HB2 law is going to hit North Carolina in the wallet.  Oh yes, businesses are already pulling plans for job growth in North Carolina; musicians are cancelling concerts; conventions that were to take place in North Carolina, mark my words, will be cancelled and rightly so.  The backlash is just beginning.  I foresee federal funds being taken away from NC secondary and post secondary schools.  So you know what I'm going to do in November?  I am voting out Governor Pat McCrory and any NC lawmaker who voted to pass this legislation cause the last thing we need more of in this state is more Bigots.  I don't know about you, but I'm not going to allow ignorant and intolerant lawmakers cause North Carolina to become known as the "backassward" state.  No, not on my watch.

And to the folks of TownDock.net in Oriental, North Carolina who supposedly created this satirical blog piece depicting a woman in a white lab coat wearing blue lab gloves and wearing a "gender compliance officer" sign, let me say this:  I didn't find it funny; I didn't find it amusing; I found it insulting.  And by the way, the woman in the accompanying blog picture who was posing as the gender compliance officer?  Grandma from The Beverly Hillbillies just called and she wants her hairstyle back and I found your blog post about this law grossly repulsive and repugnant.

Amy (Grace)

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