Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Review: A Three Dog Life by Abigail Thomas

Dear Literary Loves,
Okay folks, I am waiting to hear from about seven literary agents.  I think they all went to the Frankfurt Book Festival over in Germany.  Eventually, I hope, they will get to my query and manuscript; however, in the meantime, I've been reading books.  Most recently, I read A Three Dog Life by Abigail Thomas.  First, to be honest, I started this book on three different occasions, put it down because it was overly depressing, and then felt guilty for not finishing it.  Stephen King endorsed the book; however, what the hell does he know about writing good memoir?  I'm not dissing Stephen King, but I'm just pointing out that I don't think he has ever written anything in the genre. So for a fourth time, I picked up the book and read it over two days.  Basically, the author's husband suffers an immense tragedy.  The tragedy is related to the dog that the author wanted, but I don't think the husband really cared for all that much.  Chaos ensues along with a hefty amount of time in an intensive care unit.  The author's husband basically suffers traumatic brain injury; he's never going to be himself again and his short term memory is shot.  Heroically, the author and a home health aide/nurse attempt to bring the husband home to live, but it is just overwhelming.  He goes to reside
in a care facility in upstate New York.
Basically, for several years the author deals with survivor's guilt and understandably so.  She acquires three dogs during this time and they essentially become her new reality and family.  She sells her New York City apartment and buys a home near the care facility where her husband resides.  Ironically, she discovers that she is happier with her life now.  Would she like to have her husband and his intact mind back?  Absolutely, but she doesn't retreat from society or completely shut down as a human being.  She keeps evolving which many women I have known cannot do.  I think women sometimes cling to a partner that is bad for them because they are too scared of being alone or they think they are too old to find another significant other.  And that's a shame because the only one in that situation who is getting the short end of the stick is the woman.  Never settle for less than what you deserve or desire. 
Till my next update and review,

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