Thursday, August 15, 2013

Query Perplexities

Dear Literary Loves,
Well bookworms, I finished my second manuscript and was ecstatic!   So while a publisher has the first manuscript and is evaluating it, I begin querying literary agents for the second book.  To query is to basically send literary agents a one page concise letter telling them a short synopsis of the book and your qualifications as a writer.  You have to grab them from the beginning and hook them on the concept of the book; make them want to read more.  I can tell you that my query has gotten a whole lot shorter for this second manuscript.  I'm now a veteran query writer so to speak.  It's a difficult process and a waiting game because you hope you connect with the agent through a couple of paragraphs and it could take a while for the agent to get back to you about their interest or non-interest.  Some agents (few and far between) get back to you quickly and are courteous.  Other agents can take as long as ten to fourteen weeks before answering a query.  I actually did have one literary agent who responded almost a year after I sent the query. 
It can be frustrating querying literary agents.  Most will send a form reject with an opening paragraph with "Dear Author" which to me is impersonal and somewhat hypocritical in that most agents want you to have researched them through and through before you query them; God forbid you ever send a query email that begins with "Dear Agent".  Major no-no.  Next, you get either a request for a partial of the manuscript or a request for the full manuscript which you hopefully get to send via email.  There are agents that still require you to print the whole manuscript and mail it to them which can be costly.  In relation to rejections, an author can be told many things such as, It's not right for my list; I'm not the right agent for this work; We're not taking on new clients; This work is too similar to another one I represent; or I didn't connect with the book concept.  I have been through this so many times that I now think if an agent does sign me I probably will not have the excitement I might have had if I had found an agent who offered representation at an earlier time in my writing career.  Presently, I am to the point of feeling "Let's Get On With The Show!"
I do want a literary agent that looks out for my career as a writer, takes care of me editorially, gives me extensive feedback on what works in a manuscript and what doesn't, and helps continually guide me through the publishing process.  I don't expect this process to "be a walk in the park". I do expect a first class, dedicated agent who is ready to hit the ground running cause you know what?  I've been ready for a long time and have several manuscripts in the pipeline.  Here's to hoping a literary agent sends me good news soon, and that it's the right agent for me.

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