Dear Fellow Residents of North Carolina,
Greetings! Yes, this is usually the place where I review books or complete a written examination of my most recent experience with a medical professional that went totally askew. I have been known to write poetry here and call out someone or something in publishing that has completely gone off the rails. Today, I looked at the percentage of our state population that has completed full vaccination against Covid-19 and I was aghast that only 39.16% of North Carolinians are fully vaccinated. I'm sorry, but that is HIGHLY DISAPPOINTING! (That does not apply to all of you who are fully vaccinated- you are the folks with whom I have no beef. Nor does this apply to the people of North Carolina who are age twelve or younger because there is not a form of the vaccine that is designed for you yet).
As a native North Carolinian, I am fuming. For heaven's sake people, Florida has a higher number of its population vaccinated than North Carolina! So what's the problem? You have time or you can make time or should. The vaccine is free. For most folks, it is easy to find a place in which to roll up your sleeve and receive your shot or shots. Personally, I chose to go with the Pfizer vaccine and had absolutely zero side effects. I have more pre-existing medical conditions than side effects from both the flu, shingles, and Covid-19 vaccines combined. And I don't buy excuses. Don't send hateful comments because honey, I never read any comments here nor on social media. Don't waste your time. I am a Generation Xer, I am allergic to people's opinions and all social media.
Here Are 10 Reasons The Population Of North Carolina Should Get The Vaccine Unless You Have A Medical Reason Preventing You From Obtaining It (If you do, I would like to speak with your doctor's head because I really like going toe to toe with those in the medical field).
1) It's The Right Thing To Do. In my opinion, getting the vaccine is the most ethical action you can take as a resident of North Carolina. You protect yourself, your loved ones, acquaintances, and people you do not even know.
2) If You Do Not Get The Vaccine, It Could Very Well Cost You Your Life. Over 600,000 people in the United States have died from Covid-19 or complications arising from it. Don't become a casualty of the virus. And yes, people I have known have died from Covid-19 unfortunately.
3) If You Do Not Get The Vaccine, It Could Very Well Cost You A Relative's Life. I am serious, peeps. Let's say you opted to NOT get the Covid-19 vaccine. Then let's say, you get the Covid-19 virus or a variant of it, and pass it to your mom, who also did not obtain the Covid-19 vaccine. And then mom, dad, grandparent, etc. dies. That death is tied to you. I don't want that on my conscience, do you?
4) You Get The Vaccine Because You Really Do Not Want To Be Sued. I am as serious as a heart attack folks. If a person's death can be tied to you, a person who did not get the vaccine and transmitted the virus or its particles to another person who then dies.....Can you say, potential lawsuit?
5) You Are Holding Back Yourself, Others, And This State From Ridding This Country Of A Known Deadly Virus.
6) Get The Vaccine If You Wish To Go To College Or Not. At least the people who are your compatriots on campus or at work can breathe more easily about residing in a safe environment.
7) For Heaven's Sake, Get The Vaccine So People Can Travel Again Without Being Muffled By Masks. When I see people on the national news who have thrown a hissy fit or worse, punched a flight attendant, because the rule is to wear a mask and they choose not to participate, I can also guess that the same person is most likely not vaccinated either. And then the person winds up being banned from traveling on a particular airline and most likely goes to jail. You really don't want to be THAT person.
8) Get The Vaccine So People Who Are Immunocompromised Due To Cancer Or Other Autoimmune Disorders Don't Have To Worry If You Should Be Wearing A Sign That Reads, "Health Hazard", "Toxic", or "Stay Away".
9) Get The Vaccine And Stop Participating In Russian Roulette. If you think you are someone who will not get the virus; therefore, you are not getting the vaccine then you are living a lie. Because people who have thought that have also found themselves in a hospital for four months and needing a double lung transplant. Reality Can Bite.
10) Get The Vaccine So You Can Participate In All Of Life, Not Just Some Of It. Honestly, this one comes to mind when I think about those folks who will not get to sit inside a restaurant due to not being vaccinated, be restricted on cruises due to not being vaccinated, and lose out on a whole assortment of opportunities because they did not get the vaccine. N.C. State men's baseball team, I Am Talking To You. You Could Have Played For The NCAA College World Series And Won It All. Now, you and your teammates will be watching the 2021 College World Series instead of winning it. Damn man, that just blooowwwsss.
Just Get The Vaccine Already.
Grace (Amy)