Friday, October 12, 2018

And One Day You Too Shall Know My Pain - poetry

Dear Lit Loves,

It's been a difficult week as I heard from one agent that she thinks I have a gripping memoir; however, she cannot connect with my story.  Here is the point though, I did not write a memoir so you could connect with it; I wrote it so you could LEARN from it.  Maybe there is just no longer an interest on the part of literary agents and editors to promote the new "tough" living memoirs by little known authors like myself.  Maybe traditional publishing just does not like Southern writers.  I am beginning to wonder about the motivations of publishing as I have been at this endeavor for over ten years now.  Maybe traditional and small publishing contracts are decided based on an author's social media popularity.  If you are not a social media sensation then you do not get published.  That is shameful.  Maybe it is no longer about the quality of the content about which I write.  Or maybe agents and editors are after the quick buck and not the significance of an author's experience.  It is all a disappointment and frankly has caused me to be disillusioned with the publishing world entirely.  So I decided this week I will post some of my thoughts poetically.

"And One Day You Too Shall Know My Pain"

You, who have not walked in my shoes during my personal journey of medical hell,
One Day You Too Shall Know My Pain.
You, Who Dissed Me In My Time Of Pain From My Father's Death,
One Day You Too Shall Know My Pain.
You, who chose to not lend your utmost attention and medical expertise to my dying father,
One Day You Too Shall Know My Pain.
You, the medical guru who allowed my father to suffer due to your inadequacy and indifference,
One Day You Too Shall Know My Pain.
You, the hospital administrator who treated me in a cold, despicable manner while my father lay dying, One Day You Too Shall Know My Pain.

You, who avoided seeing death when it was knocking at my family's front door,
One Day You Too Shall Know My Pain.
You, who stood in the receiving line at my father's funeral but were not there for the difficulties,
One Day You Too Shall Know My Pain.
You, who never bothered to stay in touch following my great loss,
One Day You Too Shall Know My Pain.
You, who did not bother to attend my father's funeral and pay your respects,
One Day You Too Shall Know My Pain.
You, who call yourself a Christian and yet verbally condemn me for another family member's life choices following my father's death, One Day You Too Shall Know My Pain.

You, family members who are so self-involved you make decisions based on what is most easy and least stressful for you and not my widowed mom, One Day You Too Shall Know My Pain.
You, who critiqued me for "living in my own little world" and neglected to ask me why I chose to stay in "my own little world", One Day You Too Shall Know My Pain.
You, the faux Christians who claim to be so genuine yet wreak havoc with you snippy attitudes and your degrading comments, One Day You Too Shall Know My Pain.
You, who have subjected me to your ineptitude, crass behavior, and irresponsibility,
One Day You Too Shall Know My Pain.
Maybe One Day I Will Witness You Reckoning With Pain Similar To What I Have Known.
Then What Shall Be My Response?


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