Wednesday, July 18, 2018

It's Going to Take A Gutsy Literary Agent And Editor For This Writer

Dear Lit Loves,

Greetings!  Well dear readers I am querying, querying, querying my life away, looking for a better day, and doing everything except attempting a back flip off the roof of my house to obtain literary representation.  Seriously,  it has been a heck of a week in the literary world for this writer. And to top it all off I discovered over the weekend both my ears are infected and the I additionally have the sinus infection from hell which has additionally caused my throat to feel like its on fire.    In the meantime, publishing imprints are shuttering, some new imprints are emerging, and everyone appears to be holding their collective breath to see if Barnes and Noble can indeed keep its doors open.  What happens when this kind of collective fear takes hold of an industry?  The powers that be in that industry begin to think:  Okay, let's stay with the tried and true authors who are bankable and God forbid, do NOT let any new writers/authors even approach the door much less allow them to enter and stride into the lobby of a publishing house. 

And this kind of fear of the "new"in publishing breeds a total shutdown of new voices, varying prose, relatable subject matter becomes overlooked, and all the prospective talent never gets a chance to even get to a starting line with a pen and a damn good, real story.  Hello?  Ring any bells??  Even the small presses appear to be hunkered down and no longer answering the door.  I mean, seriously?  One small press in the last two months has never even bothered to answer emails that I have sent to their sales department and founding publishers.  They say they want the bold, the challenging, and the empowered women writers, but um no, they really do not because well, no one appears to even be commanding the ship.  For crying out loud, get out from behind the damn rock and try discovering the talent that is standing right before you!

And would someone please enlighten me about when there became a rule that editors at big traditional publishing houses or editors at small to mid-sized publishing houses could not connect or consider speaking with or acknowledging potential new writing talent?  Sometimes when friends, acquaintances, or book club members ask me about the publishing process, I feel like saying it's a knock down, drag out, no-holds-barred cage match.  And for those that ask me about potentially seeking publication, I am almost scared the truth of what I am witnessing would cause them to run in the opposite direction screaming.

And furthermore, let me go on the record saying that if you are a published author, particularly in the genre in which I focus my efforts, and I reach out to connect with you via Goodreads, LinkedIn, etc. and you do not even acknowledge me, I will not buy your book and well, when other readers ask me about you as a published author, I am not going to be shy about your lack of a helping hand or ability to be professional and personable.  For heaven's sake, Karin Slaughter's books scare the hell out of me, but she gets props for being supportive and open to those of us who are trying to achieve a tenth of what she has achieved.  So yes, I regularly read Karin Slaughter even though I know I may be scared out of my wits because I have immense respect and admiration for her as she gave me a welcome handshake and not a rebuff and cold shoulder. 

Oh, and let me just say a huge thank you to this new author whose memoir is going to be published in January 2019 called MAID.  Her name is Stephanie Land.  Compatriot, I shall be there rooting for you any and every day of the week as you were a welcoming soul to a struggling writer.   And where are the many others in the publishing world like her??  Which rock are you trying to hide behind, eh??

Till my next post,

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