Sunday, September 10, 2017

N.C. Education Majors And New Teachers: I Strongly Encourage You To Read This Book

Dear N.C. Education Majors and All First Through Third Year N.C. Teachers,

Greetings!  Just wanted to let all North Carolina Education Majors as well as all first through third year North Carolina teachers know that I wrote the book on my experiences during my first year of teaching in a volatile, inner-city North Carolina school.  I wrote this book because I felt future and current beginning teachers needed to hear from a fellow educator who had been in the trenches and succeeded though the odds were certainly not stacked in my favor.  Additionally, I wrote the book because it takes an incredible amount of resilience to be a teacher.  It's not just what you know subject-wise, but how well you can recover once you are knocked down and then subsequently get back up to face the daily difficulties in the classroom and learn from numerous mistakes.  The title of the book is Brave Soul Rising:  Tales From The Trenches of An Uncharmed Life and it is written under my pen name of Grace Sutherlin.  Most readers are purchasing the book online via Amazon and Barnes and Noble.  The book is available in both e-book format ($4.99) and paperback ($9.99) format. 

I contacted 40 college/university professors in the state of North Carolina who are currently teaching and/or mentoring students who are majoring in the field of Education at the elementary, middle, and high school levels.  Professors at the following colleges/universities were contacted and notified about the relevance and importance of the book in hopes that they would utilize the book as a resource for their students.  Those schools included:  UNC-Greensboro, UNC-Chapel Hill, High Point University, Appalachian State University, UNC-Wilmington, East Carolina University, UNC-Charlotte, Wingate University, Wake Forest University, UNC-Asheville, North Carolina State University, Western Carolina University, Duke University, Guilford College, Brevard, and Meredith College. 

And a special "Thank You" to Cary Magazine for featuring my book in the September Education issue under the section titled "Happenings".   Publicity is often the hardest part for a writer like myself and I deeply appreciate all newspapers and magazines who have featured my book in their pages.  Happy Reading!

Till my next post,
Grace (Amy)

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