Monday, June 1, 2015

Dear Mr. Devon Still: My Dad Is A Stem Cell Transplant Survivor

Dear Lit Loves,

I'm directing this blog post not to discuss the insane process of attempting to obtain publication as a new writer or review a recent memoir that I've read.  I'm taking the time to write to Devon Still who plays for The Bengals and his daughter entered a hospital on May 5th to have a stem cell transplant after being diagnosed with stage four neuroblastoma. 

Dear Mr. Still,

Hi, I don't know you, but I've heard of you and am fascinated by your daughter's story.  My dad was diagnosed with Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma is 2003 after experiencing deep vein thrombosis.  He was given six rounds of CHOP chemo and went for seven years cancer free.  In 2009 at the age of sixty-seven, the lymphoma returned and he endured more preliminary chemo before entering Wake Forest Baptist Hospital for a stem cell transplant.  I was told the odds of the stem cell transplant even working for him was 50 percent.  Dad's a trooper so he decided to go for it.  He went through wipeout
chemo for the first two weeks after already undergoing pheresis to harvest his own baby stem cells which would be reintroduced to his body following wipeout chemo.  It was tough.  He experienced atrial fibrillation, infections and at one point broke out in a body rash due to not being able to obtain platelet transfusions in a timely manner.  He grew weak and did not want to eat.  Later, he was able to have his frozen baby stem cells thawed and reintroduced to his body.  There were additional complications following this including some kidney damage, but he pulled through and was determined to be cancer free.

For five years, dad remained cancer free following the stem cell transplant.  This January he noticed he was having problems with the leg in which the lymphoma always reappears.  He had two biopsies and a PET scan and we learned his cancer had indeed returned five years after the stem cell transplant.  Dr. G, his long time oncologist, decided to try Adcetris which is a targeted chemotherapy drug and I think is also known as monoclonal antibody therapy.  Dad was able to complete three rounds of this therapy.  Recently, he developed a lower lung infection and started having breathing problems.  Finally, my mom took him to the emergency room after he became worse following a course of antibiotics and steroids.  He had pneumonia and an air pocket had formed outside his lung which in turned caused a portion of the lung to collapse.  He was recently hospitalized and given high levels of iv antibiotics and steroids.  He was ready to proceed with inpatient rehabilitation therapy at a local hospital.  On Friday, May 29th, he collapsed and a trauma team of doctors were called to stabilize him.  I later learned he had pulmunary edema, some permanent kidney damage, atrial flutter as well as a disfunctional mitral valve along with a failing heart.  Fortunately, I am a fierce patient advocate.  A brilliant cardio-thoracic doctor came to see my dad.  He started dad on Lasix to drain the fluid from his body.  He saw dad needed blood and started giving dad two pints of blood over the next eight hours.  He also started dad on an appetite stimulant.  By Sunday, May 31st, dad was still weak, but speaking and giving himself a sponge bath.  My brother went to the hospital to help give him a shave and cut his hair.  Dad ate his supper Sunday evening and was watching an Atlanta Braves game.  Today, his medical team will re-evaluate his condition and probably move him to Acute Care where the cardio-thoracic, pulmonary, and nephrologist doctors can monitor him closely. 

None of this has been easy.  And we're not famous people so we've had to get help the best way we could as a family to weather the storms.  I'm trying to get our family's story about all this published, but no one thinks anyone wants to read about cancer and additionally,  I've been told I am not famous; therefore, my story would not be profitable.  I'm like my dad, a warrior, so I still endeavor to become published.  My thoughts and prayers are with you Mr. Still and for Leah Still as well as your family.  Just so you know my dad has survived great obstacles in the course of treatment for a rare lymphoma.  He is my rock and I am his fierce patient advocate.  My advice is to stay strong, pray and know that others are fighting to overcome the beast known as cancer as well.  We have walked in similar moccasins and I hope my dad's story gives you hope.

In Peace,

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